Sevilla / Spain / travel

Rain at the Feria

“The air soft as that of Seville in April, and so fragrant that it was delicious to breathe it.” -Christopher Columbus

Well, that may be, but I didn’t get  much soft, sweet sevillano air – it rained almost the whole time I was there! Here are some of my favorite pictures of when the Feria got flooded by crazy rainstorms. It went from a bright, sunny day to one full of clouds, thunder, and lightning.

The Feria-goers fled quickly, running for taxis and buses and seeking shelter in the casetas (the temporary stripy tents set up just for the Feria). I honestly thought the casetas were going to collapse under the pounding rain!








Want to read some more about the Feria? Check out these articles:



7 thoughts on “Rain at the Feria

  1. I love the first picture!!! So beautiful!
    But my question is, did they all have a horse??? Maybe they rent the horse during la Feria… who knows…

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